Level 3 autonomous car (レベル3の自動運転車)

Level 3 autonomous cars can allow the driver to take their hands off the steering wheel during driving.


※Level 3 autonomous cars = レベル3の自動運転車

※take hands off the steering wheel = ハンドルから手を離す

IIHS (米国道路安全保険協会)

IIHS announced models that are evaluated as TSP and TSP+ this year


※IIHS = Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (米国道路安全保険協会)自動車の安全性能を評価する米国の非営利団体

※TSP = Top Safety Pick, 最高安全評価

※TSP+ = Top Safety Pick +, 最高安全評価プラス(TPSより上)

CAFE (企業平均燃費)

NHTSA decided to revisit the plan to increase the CAFE civil penalty from 2019MY.

※ NHTSA (ニッツァ) = National Highway Traffic Safety Administration,米国運輸省道路交通安全局

※revisit = 見直し、再考

※CAFE (カフェ)= Corporate Average Fuel Economy, 企業平均燃費

Level 2 autonomous driving (レベル2の自動運転)

Vehicles with features such as lane-keeping assist and cruise control while still need human drivers are regarded as Level 2 for autonomous driving.


※lane-keep assist = レーンキープアシスト

※cruise control = クルーズコントロール

※Level 2 for autonomous driving = 自動運転のレベル2

Level 1 autonomous cars (レベル1の自動運転車)

Level 1 autonomous cars have certain driver-assistance functions such as automatic braking, but the driver controls most of the functions.


※Level 1 autonomous cars=レベル1の自動運転車 (自動運転のレベルは1から5まである)

Cylinder deactivation (気筒停止)

Cylinder deactivation is a way to reduce fuel consumption by switching between using all cylinders and shutting down half of them.


※cylinder deactivation = 気筒停止

※switch betweem A and B =  AとBを切り替える

※shut down = 停止する

Surround view camera (サラウンドビューカメラ)

More and more cars are equipped with surround view cameras which enable the driver to see any objects near the car on the dashboard monitor.

ダッシュボードのモニターで近くにある物体を見ることができる、  サラウンドビューカメラを装備した車が増えている。

※Surround view cameras  =サラウンドビューカメラ (複数のカメラを使うので、cameras と常に複数形)