Solid State LiDAR (ソリッド・ステート ライダー)

The Solid State LiDAR introduced by an American company has no moving parts, is very compact, and offered at a surprisingly low cost.


※solid state LiDAR = ソリッドステート型ライダー

※have no moving parts = 可動部品がない

※be offered at a low cost = 低いコストで提供されている

Mandate of V2V technology (車車間通信の義務化)

A mandate of V2V technology on self-driving cars is indispendable for Level 5 autonomy to become feasible.


※mandate of V2V technology = V2V(車車間通信)技術の義務化

※ is indispensable = 不可欠である

※Level 5 sutonomy = レベル5の自動運転

SELF DRIVE Act (セルフドライブ法・自動運転車法)

SELF DRIVE Act is a regulatory framework to oversee autonomous vehicles that run on public roads in the U.S.


※SELF DRIVE Act = 自動運転車法

※regulatory framework = 法的枠組

※oversee autonomous vehicles= 自動運転車を監視する

Pre-collision throttle control (衝突前加速制御)

Pre-collision throttle control system helps to avoid accidents caused by pedal misapplication.


※Pre-collision throttle control = 衝突前スロットル制御

※pedal misapplication = ペダルの踏み間違い

Peer-to-peer car service (他人同士の車両融通サービス)

Ridesharing is a peer-to-peer car service under which car owners rent out their cars to other people.


※ridesharing = ライドシェアリング

※peer-to-peer = 他人同士の車両融通サービス

※rent out = 貸し出す


Ban the sale (販売禁止)

UK government, following France and Norway, is planning to ban the sale of new diesel and gasoline cars starting in 2040 to help reduce air pollution.


※ban the sale of ●● =  ●●の販売を禁止する

※reduce air pollution = 大気汚染を減らす

HCCI (予混合圧縮着火)

HCCI engines are more fuel efficient and emit less NOx compared to SI engines.


※HCCI = Homogeneous Charge Compression Iginition, 予混合着火

※be fuel efficient = 燃費がいい

※NOx = Nitrogen Oxide, 窒素酸化物

※SI = Spark Ignition, スパーク着火

Rear cross traffic alert (リアクロストラフィックアラート)

Rear cross traffic alert system detects a car coming into your car’s backing path and alerts you.


※Rear cross traffic alert = リアクロストラフィックアラート(後退路横断車両警告)

※backing path = 後退進路

Solid-state battery (全個体電池)

Toyota is reported to be developing EVs powered by solid-state batteries that can be charged in a matter of few minutes.


※EVs powered by 〜 =  〜で走る電気自動車

※solid-state battery = 全個体電池

erroneous start prevention (誤発進防止)

Erroneous start prevention system of the vehicle automatically applied brakes after detecting a risk of hitting into the wall of the parking lot.


※erroneous start prevention = 誤発進防止

※apply brakes = ブレーキをかける

※detect a risk of 〜 = 〜のリスクを検知する