The new model has a self-parking system that can parallelly park itself at the curb.
※self-parking = 自動運転で駐車すること
※parallelly park = 並列駐車すること
※park at the curb = 歩道脇、道路脇
The new model has a self-parking system that can parallelly park itself at the curb.
※self-parking = 自動運転で駐車すること
※parallelly park = 並列駐車すること
※park at the curb = 歩道脇、道路脇
The OEM introduced a purpose-built hybrid model, not a hybrid derivative of a normal gasoline model.
※OEM = 自動車メーカーのこと
※purpose-built hybrid model = ハイブリッド専用車 (a hybrid-only model, a hybrid-dedicated model, という言い方もできる。hybrid をEVにすればEV専用車になる)
※derivative model = 派生車
I wish to have a rapid-charging battery for my EV that can be fully charged in several minutes.
※rapid-charging = 急速充電
※EV (electric vehicle) = 電気自動車
※be fully charged = フル充電される
A mild hybrid vehicle has an electric motor which role is to assist the ICE and does not propel the vehicle on its own.
※mild hybrid (MHEV) = マイルドハイブリッド
※ICE (internal combustion engine) = 内燃エンジン
There are no electric car charging stations in this area.
※ charging station = 充電スタンド
All-electric range of this hybrid car is 30 miles.
※ all-electric range = 電気のみでの航続距離
Range anxiety is about the fear that batteries will run out and leave the electric vehicle stranded.
※ range = 航続距離
※ be stranded = 立往生する