Ammonium nitrate (硝酸アンモニウム)

The defect of airbag is linked with degradation of ammonium nitrate in the inflator, which is caused by humidity.

※defect of airbag = エアバックの欠陥

※degradation = 劣化

※ammonium nitrate = 硝酸アンモニウム

※(be) caused by humidity = 湿気が原因で

AHSS (高強度ハイテン材)

The steel company developed AHSS that has high formability for automobile.


※AHSS (Advanced high strength steel) = 高強度ハイテン材

UHSS (ultra high strength steel/ 超ハイテン)や HSS(high strength steel/ハイテン) もある。

※formability = 成形性

Purpose-built model (専用モデル)

The OEM introduced a purpose-built hybrid model, not a hybrid derivative of a normal gasoline model.


※OEM = 自動車メーカーのこと

※purpose-built hybrid model = ハイブリッド専用車  (a hybrid-only model, a hybrid-dedicated model, という言い方もできる。hybrid をEVにすればEV専用車になる)

※derivative model = 派生車